
Additional Info

Dr. Jason Gerhard has nearly 20 years of experience leading research into the fate and remediation of organic contaminant in soils and groundwater.  As a Professor at Western, he leads the internationally recognized RESTORE (Research for Subsurface Transport and Remediation Group (   His innovative laboratory and field work, as well as numerical model development and application, has led to breakthroughs in understanding of contaminant transport and remediation in both unconsolidated and fractured porous media.  He has received more than $4.3M in competitively awarded funding and supervised more than 100 research students.  Dr. Gerhard is co-inventor of the STAR thermal remediation technology and leads its ongoing emergence as a widely applicable in situ and ex situ treatment as well as a waste-to-energy strategy.  He works extensively with industrial collaborators and has regularly provided expert consulting, including the design and optimization of remediation systems.  Dr. Gerhard is an internationally recognized expert in his field, which has been recognizes with major national and international awards for research excellence, collaboration, and innovation.  He regularly delivers invited scientific presentations as well as talks to non-technical audiences around the world.

Contact Information


1151 Richmond Street
London ON N6A 3K7

Contact Name Jason Gerhard